Exploring the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com


Welcome to a place where faith deeply intertwines with daily life — the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com Tabernacle in Jesus’ Name. Nestled in the heart of Middlesboro, Kentucky, this church isn’t just a building; it’s a vibrant community where members share a profound journey of faith. Founded in 1978 by Tommy Coots, the church has grown from modest beginnings to become a cornerstone of spiritual life for many.

fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com stands out for its deep commitment to the teachings of the gospel as it embraces salvation, healing, and empowerment through the Holy Spirit. This church is not just a place of worship but a sanctuary where individuals come to find peace, spiritual renewal, and a sense of belonging. The foundational principles laid down by its founders continue to resonate through its teachings and community activities, making it a beacon of hope and faith in the region.

Core Beliefs of Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus’ Name

The fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is grounded in the belief that the gospel encompasses salvation, healing, deliverance, and empowerment through the Holy Spirit. These elements form the core of the church’s teachings and practices, offering a holistic approach to faith. At the heart of these beliefs is the conviction that the gospel is not merely a collection of teachings but a transformative force that can change lives.

The Full Gospel

The church emphasizes the concept of the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com which includes several key aspects:

  • Salvation through Jesus Christ: Central to the church’s teachings is the belief that salvation is accessible to all through faith in Jesus Christ. This salvation is seen as a profound personal transformation that begins with accepting Jesus as one’s Savior.
  • Healing: The church believes in the power of divine healing, both physical and mental, as a manifestation of God’s love and power. This belief is rooted in the biblical accounts of Jesus’ healing miracles, which are seen as examples for believers today.
  • Deliverance from Demonic Oppression: The church teaches that believers can be delivered from spiritual bondage and oppression through the power of Jesus’ name. This deliverance is viewed as a vital aspect of the Christian journey toward spiritual freedom.
  • Empowerment by the Holy Spirit: The baptism of the Holy Spirit is considered essential for living a victorious Christian life. This empowerment is often accompanied by speaking in tongues, seen as a sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence.

Baptism in Jesus’ Name

A distinctive practice of the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com This practice is based on their interpretation of biblical passages such as Acts 2:38, which they believe prescribes baptism in Jesus’ name as the proper method. This belief sets them apart from many other Christian denominations and reflects their commitment to a literal interpretation of the Bible.

The church’s teachings on baptism emphasize its significance as a public declaration of faith and a vital step in the believer’s spiritual journey. Baptism is seen not only as a symbolic act but as a means of identifying with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, marking the believer’s entry into the Christian community.

The Practice of Snake Handling: Understanding Its Biblical Basis and Controversy

The practice of snake handling is perhaps the most unique and controversial aspect of the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com Tabernacle in Jesus’ Name. This ritual is based on specific passages in the New Testament, particularly Mark 16:17-18, where Jesus mentions that believers “will pick up snakes with their hands” as a sign of their faith. For the congregation, snake handling is not a test of faith but an expression of it, symbolizing a deep trust in God’s protection and power.

Historical and Biblical Context

Snake handling has its roots in the early 20th-century Pentecostal movement, fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com region. It is viewed as a literal interpretation of biblical scripture, a testament to the believers’ faith and courage. The practice began in the 1910s when a preacher named George Hensley introduced it as a demonstration of faith during services.

The church members who participate in snake handling view it as a commandment from God, akin to other biblical directives. They believe that just as Jesus performed miracles and commanded his disciples to do likewise, they too are called to demonstrate their faith through this act. While this practice is only embraced by a small fraction of Pentecostal churches, it remains a significant part of the identity of those who uphold it.

Despite its deep spiritual significance to practitioners, fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is not without controversy. Critics often cite safety concerns and question the interpretation of scripture that supports the practice. In many states, snake handling is illegal due to public safety laws, leading to legal challenges for churches that wish to continue the tradition.

The practice has also faced scrutiny due to high-profile incidents, including injuries and fatalities resulting from snake bites. These incidents have fueled debate about the practice’s safety and legitimacy. However, proponents argue that snake handling is an exercise of religious freedom and an integral part of their worship experience. They emphasize that participation is voluntary and conducted with reverence and care.

Worship Services and Community Engagement

Worship services at the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com and spiritually enriching experiences designed to bring the congregation closer to God. These services are marked by dynamic preaching, uplifting music, and an atmosphere that encourages active participation. The church’s approach to worship reflects its belief in the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the importance of community in spiritual growth.

Elements of Worship

A typical service at the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com Tabernacle includes several key components:

  • Dynamic Preaching: The sermons delivered are often passionate and engaging, focusing on biblical teachings and their application to everyday life. Preachers aim to inspire and challenge the congregation, encouraging them to deepen their faith and commitment.
  • Lively Music: Music plays a significant role in the worship experience, with songs that uplift and inspire. The church’s music ministry often includes contemporary Christian music as well as traditional hymns, fostering an environment of praise and worship.
  • Community Prayer: Prayer is a central element of the service, providing an opportunity for congregants to seek guidance, healing, and support. The church believes in the power of communal prayer to strengthen bonds and bring about spiritual breakthroughs.

Community Outreach Programs

The church’s commitment to serving its community extends beyond worship services. The Full Gospel Tabernacle actively engages in various outreach programs designed to meet the needs of those around them. These initiatives reflect the church’s dedication to demonstrating the love of Christ through practical acts of kindness and service.

Outreach Initiatives Include:

  • Food Drives: Providing essential food supplies to families in need, particularly during holidays and times of crisis.
  • Clothing Distributions: Offering clothing to individuals and families facing financial hardship, helping to ease the burden of those in need.
  • Support for Homeless Individuals: Assisting those experiencing homelessness by providing shelter, meals, and resources to help them transition to more stable living conditions.

Through these programs, the Full Gospel Tabernacle aims to make a tangible impact on the lives of community members, embodying the teachings of Jesus by caring for the least fortunate among them.

Digital Outreach: fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com’s Role in Spreading the Word

In today’s digital age, the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus’ Name has embraced technology to extend its reach and connect with a broader audience. The church’s online presence serves as a vital tool for both members and newcomers, offering a wealth of resources and opportunities for engagement.

The Church’s Website

The official website, fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com, is a comprehensive resource that provides visitors with access to a variety of materials. The website is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that information is easily accessible to anyone interested in learning more about the church.

Key Features of the Website Include:

  • Sermon Archives: A collection of past sermons that can be streamed or downloaded, allowing individuals to revisit powerful messages and teachings at their convenience.
  • Live Streaming: The ability to watch services live, enabling those who cannot attend in person to participate in worship from anywhere in the world.
  • Educational Materials: Articles, videos, and study guides that provide deeper insights into the church’s beliefs and practices.

Social Media Engagement

Beyond its website, the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com actively maintains a presence on various social media platforms. These channels serve as an extension of the church’s ministry, offering inspirational messages, updates on upcoming events, and opportunities for interaction.

The church’s social media strategy focuses on building a sense of community among followers, encouraging them to share their experiences and engage in meaningful conversations. This digital engagement helps bridge the gap between physical and virtual interactions, fostering a sense of belonging among members and reaching potential new congregants.

Personal Stories and Testimonials: Lives Transformed by Full Gospel Tabernacle

Personal testimonies are a fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com on the lives of its members. These stories of transformation, healing, and spiritual renewal illustrate the church’s commitment to fostering an environment where individuals can experience profound change.

Transformative Experiences

Many individuals have shared how their involvement with the church has led to fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com growth and healing. These testimonials often highlight experiences of:

  • Spiritual Renewal: Members describe how their faith has been revitalized through the church’s teachings and community support, leading to a deeper relationship with God.
  • Physical Healing: Accounts of miraculous healings, both physical and mental, underscore the church’s belief in the power of prayer and divine intervention.
  • Personal Deliverance: Stories of overcoming addiction, depression, and other life challenges reflect the church’s role in guiding members toward freedom and restoration.

Community Testimonials

Beyond individual transformations, the church’s impact on the fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com is also evident through various outreach efforts. Community members often express gratitude for the church’s support and kindness, emphasizing the role of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in providing for those in need and creating a sense of belonging.

The testimonials shared by both members and community residents highlight the church’s dedication to living out its faith in practical and meaningful ways, embodying the teachings of Jesus through acts of love and service.


The Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus’ Name has fullgospeltabernacleinjesusname.com in both its local community and the broader global Christian landscape. Through its teachings, practices, and outreach efforts, the church continues to make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families.

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